Thursday, August 19, 2010

A woman's BEAUTY

is an internal characteristic... not an external appearance...

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

To all the fellas who are sleeping on a good woman... zzzzzzzz

Fellas... Time waits for no man... You will either get it together... catch up to her... or miss the train... choo...choo... the train is moving...

Why so serious?...

Ladies and Gentleman... But I speak mostly to the Ladies because I'm partial cause I am a lady... Enjoy every moment of your life for what it is at that moment... Who knows what the future holds...  You'll cross that bridge when you get to it... As of now what it is... or what it isn't... is what it is... Getting hurt is a part of life... Staying hurt is not...

Truth produces growth...

Just because people aren't telling you when your wrong... it doesn't mean your right... be truthful with yourself...

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Life's Org Chart

When you place God at the forefront of your life everything else just falls right into place.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Single, Saved and Satisfied?

Can you be? Are you? Is it any of my business?  Come on Single people that's between you and God.  I have no heaven or hell to put you in so don't sit in the Single's Ministry one Saturday out of the month trying to convince me that all 50 of you are obstaining from sex.  Can you be? YES!  Are You? all 50 of you NO!  Is it any of my business? NO! as I said above that is between you and God but don't come in with your high fa-loutan self bragging about you aint had sex in 20 years when you know good and hell well you have.   Because the 51st person in the room is wondering whats going on with them why are they the only one having a struggle in doing so.  Then they either leave the church or die from anorxia from Fasting 6 out of 7 days a week...

Be honest...

You wanna see change?  Be honest with yourself... Who are you?